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Cornea Services

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Cornea Treatment

Netralayam has a team of the finest eye doctors in Kolkata dedicated to cornea treatment. Our range of corneal services includes corneal abrasion treatment, cornea ulcer treatment, cornea surgery, and more.


Common causes for corneal diseases include infections, trauma, injuries, exposure to toxic chemicals, dystrophies and degenerative disorders, autoimmune disorders, ectasia (thinning), nutritional deficiencies, allergies, benign or malignant tumors, common eye conditions like dry eye, glaucoma, etc.


Signs of corneal disease or injury include pain, discharge, blurred vision, tearing, redness, extreme sensitivity to light, and corneal scarring.


Corneal conditions can be treated with eye patches, bandage contact lenses, prescription eye drops, or pills. Advanced corneal diseases like corneal degeneration, is treated with a cornea transplant surgery or laser treatment. Keratoconus, a condition that causes the cornea shape to be distorted, is often managed with special contact lenses. Autoimmune disorders are tackled by treating the core disease. We at Netralayam offer the most innovative and advanced corneal treatments at our hospital.

Our Cornea Treatment Services Include:

Penetrating Keratoplasty (PK): This full-thickness transplant procedure surgically removes the damaged or diseased portion of the cornea, followed by the implantation of healthy tissues from a donated human cornea.

Therapeutic Penetrating Keratoplasty (TPK): Therapeutic penetrating keratoplasty (TKP) is recommended for severe fungal keratitis to stop the infection, avoid complications, and preserve the globe integrity.

DSEK/DMEK: Descemet’s Stripping Endothelial Keratoplasty (DSEK) surgery uses a small incision to remove the damaged endothelial cells and Descemet’s membrane and replace them with a partial thickness graft including donor endothelium and Descemet’s membrane.

Descemet’s membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) is a partial thickness corneal transplant process. Here the donor Descemet membrane (DM) and endothelium replace the host DM and endothelium.

Hard Contact Lens (RGP & Scleral): Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) contact lens can improve the visual acuity in patients with keratoconus and manage complications after a corneal transplant. Scleral lenses efficiently treat corneal conditions because instead of contacting the cornea, this lens rests its weight on the sclera (eye-white) and vaults over the cornea.

CXL: Corneal Collagen Cross-Linking (CXL) inhibits the progress of corneal ectasias. It strengthens corneal tissue by using riboflavin as a photosensitizer.

To learn more about our corneal treatment and cornea replacement surgery, visit Netralayam. We offer the most effective procedures for corneal transplant at an affordable cost in Kolkata.


How do you treat a damaged cornea?

Treatment for corneal injuries may include:

  • Removing foreign objects from the eye.
  • Wearing a temporary bandage contact lens or an eye patch.
  • Ointments, medications, or eye drops prescribed by the doctor.
  • Not wearing contact lenses while recovering.

Can a damaged cornea repair itself?

The cornea can heal itself from small injuries. If it gets injured, healthy cells quickly slide over and patch the wound before it causes infection or affects vision. But if a scratch causes a severe injury to the cornea, it will take longer to heal.

What happens if the cornea is damaged?

If your cornea is damaged by an injury, infection, or disease, the resulting scars can affect your vision and block or warp light as it enters your eye.

How long does cornea take to heal?

Most corneal abrasions heal within one to three days and seldom progress to corneal erosion or infection.

Why is the cornea slow to heal?

An increase in MMPs may result in abnormal or excessive degradation of the ECM, hindering corneal wound healing and causing RCEs. Other factors that delay corneal healing include smoking, diabetes, neurotrophic disease, and ocular surface disease. Studies indicate that distorted cell migration and proliferation signaling pathways and impaired corneal nerve function can delay corneal healing.

Does cornea grow back?

Your cornea generally heals itself after minor injuries or infections. However, during the healing process, you might notice symptoms like pain, blurred vision, redness, etc. If you face severe symptoms or other eye problems, you may need medical treatment.

Which layer of the cornea cannot regenerate?

Bowman's membrane helps the cornea maintain its shape, and if injured, this layer does not regenerate and may result in a scar.

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